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The TRUTH matters. 

Learn it. Love it. Live it.


Bible Study

by Jaclyn Rowe

Bible Study is LIFE to us.
No Bible, no progress.

King Hezekiah

Woman Typing

Maybe somewhere along the way you've heard about or studied the lives of King David, King Solomon or Queen Esther.  Most churchgoers can tell you King David was called a man after God’s own heart despite his affair and conspiracy to cover his mistake with murder. Many can tell you King Solomon asked for wisdom, built the temple and had more wealth than we could fathom and that Queen Esther was chosen “for such a time as this” to save her people. However, few are as familiar with the account of an equally inspiring individual, King Hezekiah.


This five-week study will take you on a spiritual journey through history, examining the life of a young and bold King.


You will be encouraged to open your Bible and look purposefully and intently for God. You will see how God uses His people to expand His kingdom and you will find hope. You will learn that no matter your background or your circumstances, God is able to turn things around. You will remember afresh that His love for your heart is compelling. You will discover there are no Biblical heroes comparable to the God of the Bible.


God is the hero of every story—including yours.


We never stop learning, especially when it comes to the Holy scriptures.  In fact, the more we study the more we realize how little we know! 


The Word of God is not burdensome to us.  We love to study, discuss, dig and dig some more because truly the wisdom of God is life to us.  Everything we need, He gives.  What better source is there? 


We are determined to not only be "hearers" of the word, but doers!  While the struggle is real, we strive to live out what we learn and what we teach in our homes and community.

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—  P. Hochstatter




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